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R&D Tax Credits

Connect with us to find out how R&D tax credits can boost your organization’s bottom line.

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This post was last updated on Mar 17, 2025.

Indiana R&D Tax Credit

Discover the benefits of Indiana state credits and see how your business could qualify.

credit on first $1M in qualifying expenses
additional credit on qualifying expenses over $1M
carry forward for credit usage

Indiana R&D Tax Credit Eligibility Summary:

Is the R&D Tax Credit Available?:
Eligible Entities:
C-Corporations, S-Corporations, LLCs, Partnerships
Deadline for Tax Filing:
Due with Indiana Tax Return
Data Required to Compute Credit:
Claim Period Qualified R&D Expenses (QREs)
What Information is needed?:
QREs for Prior 3 Years

Indiana R&D Tax Credit Guidelines:

  • Under Indiana Code § 6-3.1-4-1, the state of Indiana offers a research credit that is calculated under similar requirements as IRC § 41. The Indiana credit is worth 15% of the qualified expenditures over a base amount of $1 million.
  • Starting in 2009, Indiana now allows taxpayers to compute the credit using an alternative method or a regular method. The credit may be applied toward any taxes on Gross, Adjusted Gross, and Supplemental Net Income Tax.
  • For pass-through entities, in the event of unused credit, the remaining credit will pass through to each partner or shareholder based on the percentage distribution of income. Unlike federal credits, Indiana R&D credits may not pass through to trusts or estates.
  • When filing, Indiana necessitates evidence showcasing that the research took place within its borders. The state mandates disclosure of the specific location(s) within Indiana where R&D activities transpired, the whereabouts of personnel engaged in said services, the sites within Indiana where supplies and raw materials were utilized during the R&D procedures, and any other pertinent factors pertaining to R&D operations in Indiana.
  • A 100% sales tax exemption exists for qualified R&D equipment and property purchases. Taxpayers can claim a refund for sales tax paid on retail transactions if not purchased tax-exempt initially.
  • R&D equipment and property is defined as tangible personal property acquired for experimental or laboratory R&D purposes, including developing new products or improving existing ones.

Indiana R&D Tax Credit Case Study

A Indiana-based company recovered thousands in R&D tax credits to refuel growth.



Total state R&D tax credits earned



Amount of wages qualified for tax credits



Total R&D tax credit earned

Key Indiana R&D Tax Credits R&D Tax Rules Changes

2019' - 22
22' and after
2019' - 22
22' and after


There are many other considerations and exemptions, including what documentation the IRS requires for the R&D tax credits. Stay updated to navigate the new tax laws with confidence.


Connect with us to find out how R&D Tax Credits can boost your organization’s performance.

Ready to Maximize Your State Credits?

With just a little info, our Strike Experts can help you start your R&D tax credit journey.

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Ready to calculate your R&D tax credits?

To get an estimate of the potential value of your unclaimed R&D Tax Credits, try out our credit calculator.

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Download the app.

Download our R&D Tax Credit Calculator for Android to see how much you can receive from your qualified R&D tax credit expenses.

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